Welcome to our site dedicated to
Upsala Cities
Did you know that there are more Upsala Cities in the World?
One of these cities is located in Minnesota, the USA, and the other in Ontario, Canada. Both of these cities are named after the City of Uppsala in Sweden.
The Upsala Cities

Uppsala, Sweden
Uppsala is located 71km north of Stockholm City, Sweden's Capital. This city is known for Upsala College, founded in the 15th century.

Upsala, Minnesota, USA
Upsala is a city in southern Minnesota, located in a Morrison County. The city got his name by the Uppsala city in Sweden.

Upsala, Ontario, Canada
This city also got its name from Uppsala city Sweden. This city is located in northwestern Ontario, Canada.
Hi. My Name is Arlen Thurn. I'm from Minnesota. With this site, I want to express my knowledge about Upsala Cities and show attention to my Swedish roots.

All Upsala cities have a Unique attraction to view when you visit them. From monuments, museums, and schools with multi-century traditions. Worth mentioning here is Upsala College.

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