Uppsala City Sweden

Facts about the City of Uppsala, Sweden

The fourth largest city in Sweden is Uppsala, the county seat. There were 177,074 inhabitants in 2019.

 It is located north of the capital of Sweden. The seat of the Archbishop of the Church of Sweden has been in Uppsala since 1164. Until the late 19th century, Uppsala Cathedral was the frequent site of the Swedish monarch’s coronation, and it is now the largest cathedral in the world.

 Uppsala Castle, built by King Gustav Vasa, was one of the royal residences of the Swedish monarchs and was expanded several times throughout its history. It is now the residence of the Governor of Uppsala County.

 Uppsala University is the oldest center of higher education in the country. In addition, the inventor of the centigrade temperature scale and the father of Taxonomy are both associated with the city.

 A 35-minute train ride away is the vibrant university town of Uppsala, known as the Cambridge of Sweden. The term time population of the city is swelled by students from across Sweden and the rest of the world. 20% of the residents are students.

 Even if they work in Sweden, many people choose to live in Uppsala. The city is manageable in size yet has a lot to offer. The townscape is historically significant. Carl Linnaeus, one of the world’s most notable botanists and scientists, was a former resident of Uppsala. There are a lot of floral marks across Sweden and beyond.

 Fast forward to the present day. Uppsala is considered a key innovation city in which academia and a different business culture unite to create a fertile breeding ground for new ideas. Since 1951, Pharmacia has been located here. Maria Strmme was the youngest ever professor of technology in Sweden.

 The city won WWF’s international One Planet City Challenge due to its strong focus on sustainable mobility solutions and cross-sector interventions.



There is a long history in Uppsala

 To explain the city’s history, we need to start from the north. The power center of the land of the Swedes and an essential place of worship was located here 1,500 years ago. The river Sala used to be known as the river Fyris. It was an essential place for trade. The general assembly met here, created laws, and affected the administration of justice.

 The kings were buried in individual burial mounds in the 6th century. The mounds have a hillock shape and are now a symbol of Uppsala.

 Sweden was Christianized at the beginning of the 12th century. For around 100 years, the religious center of Sweden was located in Uppsala, which became an archbishopric in 1164. The cathedral was almost destroyed by a fire in the 13th century. The archbishopric was transferred to the community of Stra Aros, 5 km to the south, because of the land elevation and the impossibility of navigating the river Fyris so far north. The new Uppsala was founded in 1286. Old and stra Aros became Uppsala. The new cathedral was inaugurated in 1455.


The new Uppsala was developed

 When the first university in Sweden, Uppsala University, was founded in 1477. Scientists such as Carl Linnaeus and Olof Rudbeck worked here.

 There are straight streets in Uppsala. The 17th century was the time when grids were used to plan cities instead of the previous practice of unstructured streets. Stora target was built with many buildings torn down and new streets built. This was the first square of its kind in Sweden, with the roads intersecting in the middle of the court while the buildings join up at the corners. The streets run along the sides of the square.


The city of Uppsala is a modern one

 There is a small town feel to the modern city of Uppsala. It is home to two universities, the archbishopric of the Church of Sweden, and rich cultural life. The city has a lot of advanced research.

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